
Package contain next generators:


Main generator for creating django project file structure. Generator create project file structure, create file with dependencies, create stub for local settings and complete file with you local settings such as database driver, name, user and password data.


$ yo bro <projectName> [options]


--dbType type for database backend, one of this: postgresql_psycopg2, mysql, sqlite3 or oracle.

--dbUser username for database.

--dbPassword password for database.

--drf default false.


$ yo bro my_project

After this command will been complete, you get next file structure:

├─ .yo-rc.json
├─ client
└─ server
   ├─ apps
   |  └─
   ├─ libs
   ├─ contrib
   ├─ config
   |  ├─ settings
   |  |  ├─
   |  |  ├─
   |  |  ├─
   |  |  ├─
   |  |  └─
   |  ├─
   |  ├─
   |  └─
   ├─ templates
   |  └─ base.html
   ├─ requirments.txt
Description for this structure:
.yo-rc.json Configure file for generator, do not remove this.
client Directory for your static files such as css, js, images and others.
server Directory for your django project.
server/apps Python package for your django apps.
server/libs Directory for your python libraries.
server/contrib Directory for application that you fork and will be support.
server/config This package contain that what you see.
server/config/settings This package contain your project settings.
server/config/settings/ File contain tuple with your apps. Sub generator will update this file and append to it new apps names.
server/config/ File contain root url conf for your apps. Sub generator will update this file and include to it new urlpatterns.

Do not remove file .yo-rc.json

If you remove this file then others sub generators will not work for you project.

DRF option

If you run command with drf option, project will be create with next features.

# requirments.txt

# server/config/settings/


# Django rest framework

# server/config/settings/




Generator for creating django application. This generator create file structure for your app in directory with your other apps. Include this application to your settings file and include urls patterns for this app to root url conf.


$ yo bro:sub <appName> [options]


--force overwrite files which already exist.


$ yo bro:sub news

After completion of commands, will create the following files:

├─ models
|  ├─ mixins
|  |  └─
|  └─
├─ views
|  ├─ mixins
|  |  └─
|  └─
├─ factories
|  └─
├─ forms
|  └─
├─ admin
|  ├─ mixins
|  |  └─
|  └─
├─ tests
|  ├─ models
|  |  └─
|  ├─ views
|  |  └─
|  └─
Next files will be update:
server/config/settings/ To this file will be append string with name for new app.
server/config/ To this file will be include urlpatterns from new app server/apps/news/


If project created with drf option in app directory will be create more two empty packages:

  • serializers
  • viewsets

To will be add next code:


from rest_framework import routers


# api urls

router = routers.DefaultRouter()

urlpatterns += patterns('', url(r'^api/', include(router.urls)))


Generator for creating django models. Create models for application and register this in admin panel. This is very easy way for creating your models. Your can create model with fields which you want from console usage short name for django fields types. For run generator enter command like in example to below.


$ yo bro:model <appName>:<ModelName> [<fieldName>:<shortName>[:<arg1,arg2=value>] ...] [options]


appName is name of you application
ModelName is name for your new model. Must be in UpperCamelCase.
Fields next arguments is optionality. If you do not enter their, model will be create without model fields.
fieldName is name for your field. Name fields must be in snake_case (PEP8).
shortName is short name for type of model fields (see list with short names below).
Arguments for every field is not required. Args must be separated by commas. This arguments will be include to model field initialize.


-s, --def-save create model method save for new model.

-f, --force overwrite files that already exist.

-p, --prepopulated prepopulated field name for admin class.

--model file name when you want create model (set filename only without extension).

--admin file name when you want create admin class for model (set filename only without extension).


$ yo bro:model news:News title:char content:text hidden:bool:default=False created:datetime

This command create next code:

class News(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name=_('title'))
    content = models.TextField(verbose_name=_('content'))
    hidden = models.CharField(default=False, verbose_name=_('hidden'))
    created = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('created'))

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = _('News')
        verbose_name_plural = _('Newss')

Full list of short names for model fields

Short name Model field Default value
auto AutoField
bigInteger BigIntegerField
binary BinaryField
bool BooleanField
char CharField max_length=255
commaSepInt CommaSeparatedIntegerField max_length=255
date DateField
dateTime DateTimeField
decimal DecimalField
email EmailField
file FileField
filePath FilePathField
float FloatField
image ImageField
int IntegerField
ip IPAddressField
genericIp GenericIPAddressField
nullBool NullBooleanField
positiveInt PositiveIntegerField
positiveSmallInt PositiveSmallIntegerField
slug SlugField
smallInt SmallIntegerField
text TextField
time TimeField
url URLField
fk ForeignKey
m2m ManyToManyField
o2o OneToOneField


Generator for creating generic views. With help this generator you can very fast create views for your model. Just enter your model name and tell what kind of views you want and generator create them for you.


$ yo bro:view news:News --list

This command create next code:

class NewsListView(ListView):
    model = News
    paginate_by = 5

    def get_queryset(self):
        """Override this method or remove."""
        return super(NewsListView, self).get_queryset()

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        """Override this method or remove."""
        context = super(NewsListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        return context

Also generator create urlpatterns and base templates for your views. After generator complete your works you can run django server and check that views works.

With generator you can create next generic views:


For create this view run command with option --list. With this option you can set option --paginate this option given integer number and setting for views count items per page, by default value is 5.

For this view will be created template: model_name_list.html


For create this view run command with option --detail.

For this view will be created template: model_name_detail.html


For create this view run command with option --create. For create view and update view will be created empty model form class ModelNameForm.

For this view will be created template: model_name_form.html


For create this view run command with option --update.

For this view will be created template: model_name_form.html


For create this view run command with option --del.


Create DRF serializer for your model.


$ yo bro:serializer news.News

This command create file in serializers package:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from import News
from rest_framework import serializers

class NewsSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = News

If serializers package does not exists, will be create.

You can use option --file for writing serializer to some existing file.


$ yo bro:serializer news.News --file=path/to/

Option file take path to destination file relatively app directory news.

To file apps/news/path/to/ will be writing next code:


from import News
from rest_framework import serializers


class NewsSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = News


Create DRF viewset for your model.


$ yo bro:viewset news.News

This command create file in viewsets package and update for news app:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from import NewsSerializer
from import News
from rest_framework import viewsets

class NewsViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    serializer_class = NewsSerializer
    queryset = News.objects.all()

If viewsets package does not exists, will be create.

To will be add next string:

router.register('news', NewsViewSet)

Viewset command also support --file option like a serializer (see above).


If you want use generator-bro with your project which already exists and was created without generator. You need use sub generator bro:config. This generator create config file .yo-rc.json and other settings files for your django project that provide work for other sub generators (see above).


Go to your project dir.

$ cd /path/to/your/project

And run next command from your project root directory.

$ yo bro:config

You can run command with options or without. If you run command without options you will need to answer a few questions in interactive mode.

List options

--settings path to django project settings dir. If you not use settings package and use a single settings file you need create settings package.

--apps path to your apps directory.

--urls path to your root urls conf file.

--templates path to your templates directory this options is not required

Relative path

All paths should be relatively of your project. For example if path for your project /path/to/your/project and path to your apps /path/to/your/project/my_apps then set option apps like this --apps my_apps